Hosted Private Cloud

Web Werks VMX Hosted Private Cloud

Transform Your Cloud Experience with Flexibility at Data Centers, Colocations, and the Edge with Agile Private Clouds

  • Agile Private Cloud
  • Private clouds help you simplify and speed up the cloud management approach with one-click operations, eliminating the need to compromise on system reliability and security.

    VMX Hosted Private Cloud is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform delivered in Web Werks Data Centers across India, for real-time cloud operations and database management that helps free your business from the operational complexities and cost of legacy IT systems . Setup your private cloud with no capex on hardware and Nutanix Licenses.

Private Cloud: Boost Your Business with Self-Service, Automation, and Security

VMX Hosted Private Cloud is all about delivering the full package of managed private cloud and hyperconverged infrastructure backed by secure cloud storage.

We assure you delivery of predictable performance of each workload, autoscaling, and effective, objective-oriented automation to get rid of manual tasks. With VMX Hosted Private Cloud, you get a managed solution in an easy-to-consume package:

    • Dedicated Nutanix cloud cluster for enterprise

    • Choice of hardware and Nutanix software stack

    • Choice of hypervisors

    • Choice of Network service providers

    • Rich user interface and management console

    • Managed Services from certified professionals

    • System readiness for transition to hybrid

    • Protects your private cloud with native data encryption, app-centric micro-segmentation, and real-time security auditing

    • Unified platform to manage private and multiple public clouds

    • Manage infrastructure across multiple clouds from a single console

Experience the Freedom of a Cloudlike Yet Scalable Experience

  • Our private cloud solution gives you full freedom to proficiently craft new applications while perfectly running the existing workloads in a modernized hyperconvergent environment.

    The innovative capabilities of VMX Hosted Private Cloud let you simplify your IT infrastructure through automation and develop an advanced cloud infrastructure with cloud-native capabilities, futuristic tools, and platforms.

    • Full control and flexibility

      Full control and flexibility with private cloud

    • Fusion of public and private clouds

      Fusion of public cloud economic viability with the predictability of private cloud

    • enhanced control, security, performance

      Enhanced control, security, and clutch-mode performance for mission-critical systems

    • scalable environment

      Scalable environment, whether you have global or on-premise systems

  • Scalable

Hassle-Free Migration From Public to Private Cloud

  • Migration
  • Introducing an advanced yet granular method for transitioning existing workloads to a hyperconverged cloud.

    VMX Hosted Private Cloud is all geared up to offer you unmatched speed and ease in scaling and hybridizing while minimizing the time involved to distribute workloads and ensure shorter time-to-value to customers.

    • Application mobility

      Application mobility throughout public to private cloud migration

    • hassle free and fast scaling

      Hassle-free and super-fast scaling

    • 85% downtime reduction

      Always up, and always on private clouds with 85% downtime reduction

    • flexible subscription

      Pay as you grow with a flexible subscription

Keep Pace with Automation, Self-Service, and Next-Gen IT Operations

  • Minimizing IT complexities is a dire need for modern businesses, and this is where VMX Hosted Private Cloud proves its true potential.

    VMX Hosted Private Cloud automates the IT operations at the grain level, simplifying infrastructure management and ensuring self-service throughout the cloud lifecycle.

    • Data storage consolidation

    • Flexibility in task automation

    • Self-service backed by no loss of control

    • Automated and simplified CI/CD pipeline

    • Built-in security

  • IT Operations

Enhanced Security and Governance

  • Enhanced Security
  • VMX Hosted Private Cloud leverages next-level security at every phase of the development lifecycle which helps minimize zero-day risks without slowing the product evolution.

    Our security standards ensure immutable security throughout your private cloud environment while monitoring the overall health of the VMs and storage.

    • Full visibility and control

      Full visibility and thorough control of all activities

    • Protection from internal and external security threats

      Tighter protection from internal and external security threats

    • Data encryption

      Software-based data encryption techniques

    • application protection

      Policy-based micro-segmentation for applications protection

    • application protection

      24/7 unconditional data support and assistance

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Make the smart move to end-to-end managed private cloud services today with Web Werks Hosted Private Cloud!

Book a Free Consultation Today!